Log Cabin Scrap Quilt

I thought it would be fun to make a scrappy quilt from my stash. I chose a log cabin design because they are SO easy and quick. Quick being the
operative word this month. I decided to use this as a gift in our family Christmas party gift exchange so I had a dead-line to complete it. Now that it's done - I LOVE it! My sweetheart says that he would fight for this one - I guess that means that he likes it to. Again, pictures don't show the depth or warmth of the colors. With this one, whoever gets it is someone I love so I'll be happy!

This is the quilt I finished this week for
Jense. The picture doesn't really due the colors justice. It's a bright, vibrant, fun quilt - just like our little
Jense. I bought the fabric and pattern from Connecting Threads - the fabric collection is Cheep Talk. I love the finished quilt. As I was finishing it, I pictured it on his cute day bed with all his bright colorful things in his room. I love the thought of my quilts keeping my grandchildren warm - kind of like a huge from grandma.
LOVE those quilts! I want to be there just to steal that scrap quilt away from Dad! Wish we could be there to add to the Christmas chaos! Hahaha! I actually think you two should've just gone on a vacation this Christmas! Nothing to think or worry about but reading, shopping, and sleeping! Hehehe!